Go to this page for a list of the documents you need if you intend to create or advertise a CEO post. The downloads below are simply a record of the documentation used for CEDO posts and may not meet employment legislation or best practice. Please be aware that you should not ask for a DBS check unless you can justify doing so.
If your browser wants you to save a document to your computer before you can look at it, switch to Internet Explorer and the option to open it will be at the bottom of the screen.
If the documentation for your IB is inaccurate or missing, please send the correct version to Lorraine Shannon. Thank you.
Documentation Examples
- doc 01_CTEEL_poster
- doc 01_Church_press_advert
- doc 01_job_advert_A4 (1)
- doc 01_job_advert_A4 (2)
- doc 01_job_advert_short
- doc 01_short_advert
- doc 01_short_advert (1)
- doc 02_CTEEL_job_description
- doc 02_CTEEL_person_spec
- doc 02_CTH_Facilitator_details
- docx 02_EF_job_description
- docx 02_EF_person_spec
- docx 02_SJIFDO_job_description
- docx 02_SJIFDO_person_spec
- doc 02_applications_process
- doc 02_job_description__person_spec
- doc 03_CTEEL_terms_conditions
- doc 03_application_form
- doc 03_contractual_matters
- doc 03_summary_of_contract
- docx 04_CTEEL_application_process
- docx 04_application_process
- docx 04_application_process (1)
- doc 04_applications_process
- doc 04_eligibility
- doc 05_CTEEL_application_form
- docx 05_EF_application_form
- docx 05_SJIFDO_application_form
- doc 05_application_form
- doc 11_08_22_Derbyshire_CUF_A4_advert
- doc 11_08_22_Derbyshire_CUF_Background_Information_v.4_final
- doc 11_08_22_Derbyshire_CUF_application_form
- doc 11_08_22_Derbyshire_Christian_Unity_Facilitator_Job_Description_&_Person_Spec
- doc 14 09 CTEEL CEO advert
- doc 14_11_South_London_A4_poster
- doc 14_11_South_London_application_form
- doc 14_11_South_London_job_description
- doc 14_11_South_London_person_spec
- doc 15_01_SCT_CEO_Application_Form
- doc 15_01_SCT_CEO_Briefing_Paper
- doc 15_01_SCT_CEO_Job_Description
- doc 15_01_SCT_CEO_Person_Spec
- pdf 15_03_SCT_Advert_(2)
- doc 15_03_SCT_Covering_letter
- docx 15_03_SCT_Ecu_Mission_Enabler_Person_Spec
- docx 15_03_SCT_Ecu_Mission_Enabler_job_description
- doc 15_11_Northants_(Shire_&_Soke)_A4_poster
- doc 15_11_Northants_(Shire_&_Soke)_application_form
- doc 15_11_Northants_(Shire_&_Soke)_box_advert
- docx 15_11_Northants_(Shire_&_Soke)_job_description
- docx 15_11_Northants_(Shire_&_Soke)_person_spec
- doc 16_04_Shropshire_&_Telford_Application_form_-_TCT
- docx 16_04_Shropshire_&_Telford_Cover_Letter
- doc 16_04_Shropshire_&_Telford_Equality_&_Diversity_Questionnaire_-_TCT
- docx 16_04_Shropshire_&_Telford_Job_Description
- docx 16_04_Shropshire_&_Telford_Mission_Enabler_advert
- docx 16_04_Shropshire_&_Telford_Mission_Statement
- docx 16_04_Shropshire_&_Telford_Person_Specification
- docx 16_04_Shropshire_&_Telford_Summary_Terms_&_Conditions
- pdf 17_12_Cumbria_Administrator_Job_Description.docx_ed
- pdf 17_12_Cumbria_Administrator_advert
- docx 17_12_Cumbria_Administrator_application_form.docx_ed
- pdf 17_12_Cumbria_Administrator_person_spec.docx_ed
- docx 18 08 CT Northamptonshire, Peterborough & Rutland Shire and Soke CEDO Application Form
- pdf 18 08 CT Northamptonshire, Peterborough & Rutland Shire and Soke CEDO Job Description
- docx 18 08 CT Northamptonshire, Peterborough & Rutland Shire and Soke CEDO Person Specification
- pdf 18_01_Cambridgeshire_job_desc_&_person_spec
- doc 18_02_Berkshire_CEDO_Advert
- doc 18_02_Berkshire_CEDO_Application_form
- doc 18_02_Berkshire_CEDO_Contract
- doc 18_02_Berkshire_CEDO_job_description
- doc 18_03_GMCT_Ecumenical_Facilitator_Application_Form
- pdf 18_03_GMCT_Ecumenical_Facilitator_Application_process
- pdf 18_03_GMCT_Ecumenical_Facilitator_Job_Description
- pdf 18_03_GMCT_Ecumenical_Facilitator_Person_Specification
- pdf 18_03_GMCT_Ecumenical_Facilitator_Terms__Conditions
- docx 2014_CTD_CEO_Person_Specification
- pdf 2014_CTD_CEO_Person_Specification
- docx 2014_CTD_CEO__summary
- pdf 2014_CTD_CEO__summary
- docx 2014_Job_Description_for_CTD_CEO
- pdf 2014_Job_Description_for_CTD_CEO
- doc 2017_CTEEL_Advert
- doc 2017_CTEEL_application_form
- doc 2017_CTEEL_job_description
- doc 2017_CTEEL_person_spec
- pdf 2020_CTEEL_Ecumenical_Lead_Advert_FINAL
- pdf 2020_CTEEL_Ecumenical_Lead_JD_FINAL
- pdf 2020_CTEEL_Ecumenical_Lead_Person_Spec_FINAL
- pdf 2020_CTS_CEO_RD_PS
- pdf 20_11_CEC_CEO_Advertisment
- pdf 20_11_CEC_CEO_Application_Form
- pdf 20_11_CEC_CEO_Role_Description-Person_Specification
- doc 21 07 Manchester application form
- pdf 21 07 Manchester application process
- pdf 21 07 Manchester job advert
- pdf 21 07 Manchester job job description
- pdf 21 07 Manchester person spec
- docx 21 08 BCT-Development-and-support-worker-job-description
- docx 21 08 BCT-Development-and-support-worker-person-specification
- doc 21 10 CT Bristol Enabler of Mission & Unity Advert
- doc 21 10 CT Bristol Enabler of Mission & Unity Advert A4 poster
- doc 21 10 CT Bristol Enabler of Mission & Unity Application form
- doc 21 10 CT Bristol Enabler of Mission & Unity Job Description
- pdf 21 12 GMCT Facilitator Advert
- doc 21 12 GMCT Facilitator Application Form
- pdf 21 12 GMCT Facilitator Application process
- pdf 21 12 GMCT Facilitator Job description
- pdf 21 12 GMCT Facilitator Person Specification
- docx 21_01_CTAL_Mission_Enabler_Job_Advert
- docx 21_01_CTAL_Mission_Enabler_person_job_spec
- doc 22 01 CT Bedfordshire Secretary Job Description
- jpeg 22 05 CEDO Northamptonshire Advert
- doc 22 05 CEDO Northamptonshire Application Form
- pdf 22 05 CEDO Northamptonshire Job Profile
- docx 22 05 CEDO Northamptonshire Person Spec
- docx 22 10 CT Herts – Application Form Ecumenical Facilitator
- docx 22 10 CT Herts – Ecumenical Facilitator Information Pack
- docx 22 10 CT Herts – Ecumenical Facilitator Job Advert
- docx 22 10 Herefordshire CEO Job Application form
- pdf 22 10 Herefordshire CEO Job advert
- pdf 22 10 Herefordshire CEO Job description
- pdf CEO_Briefing_Paper_2020
- pdf CEO_Devon_Job_Advert
- docx CTD_CEO_-_how_to_apply
- pdf CTD_CEO_-_how_to_apply
- doc CTDorset_EO_application_form
- doc CTDorset_applications_process_final
- doc CTDorset_final_job_description_
- doc CTDorset_summary_contract_terms_final
- pdf CTS_CEO_Advert__2020
- pdf CTS_CEO_Application_Form_2020
- docx CT_Surrey_job_description__person_spec
- doc CTiB_CEDO_A4_flyer
- doc CTiB_CEDO_Appl_Form
- doc CTiB_CEDO_Job_Description_approved_29th_Oct_2013
- doc CTiB_CEDO_Person_Specification_approved_29th_Oct_2013
- doc CTiB_CEDO_Terms_and_Conditions_approved_29th_October_2013
- doc Cumbria_ESRO_2021_advert
- docx Devon_CEO_-_poster
- pdf Devon_CEO_how_to_apply
- pdf Devon_CEO_job_advert
- pdf Devon_CEO_job_description
- pdf Devon_CEO_person_specification
- doc Director_of_Ecumenical_Mission_Application_Form
- doc Dorset_final_job_advert_short
- pdf ESRO__Job_Descrition_final__21.25.02__(002)
- docx ICEDO__Job_application_form
- doc Information_for_applicants
- docx Interim_CEDO_JD_(1)
- docx Interim_Cheshire_CEDO_advert_2020
- pdf Oxfordshire_CEDO_Application_information_final_version_11_Nov_2016
- pdf Oxfordshire_CEDO_JD_and_Person_Spec_8_November_2016
- doc Oxfordshire_CEDO_Job_description_and_Person_specification
- rtf Oxfordshire_CEDO_application_form_final_version_8_Nov_2016
- doc Profile_Director_of_Ecumenical_Mission
- docx SCT_County_Ecumenical_Officer_Advert