Latest Snelson Fund recipients

We're delighted to introduce successful applicants from the Oecumenical Patriarchate and the Church of England.

A Methodist reflection on the First Council of Nicaea

The church is called to be light like that of a flaming torch that, in all its difference and diversity, is nonetheless one fire.

Society for Ecumenical Studies AGM 2025

National Officer for Local Ecumenism in the Church of England Rev Tim Norwood will speak on The future of ecumenism and the role of theological dialogue

Partnering with churches to support families and children

As the newly merged Safe Families and Home for Good, we are excited to re-introduce ourselves to the Churches Together in England community.

Intercultural Church Conference: A prophetic space for learning and unlearning

CTE Principal Officer for Pentecostal, Charismatic and Multi-cultural Relations Min Shermara Fletcher-Hoyte shares her thoughts on this ecumenical event.

Hearing young voices

During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Churches Together in the Merseyside Region gathered representatives from across the Christian traditions to listen to the voices of young people.

Journeying together

The Roman Catholic and United Reformed Church dialogue comes to end of its third quinquennial with the publication of a practical resource pack for local churches.

Ecumenical Friendship and Ecumenical Reunion

Fr Dragos Herescu, Principal of The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies (IOCS) in Cambridge and a Romanian Orthodox parish priest, shares his Reflection of the Month for February.

Ensuring everyone belongs

Moravian Church minister Rev Lorraine Shorten, who was one of the authors of the resources for Racial Justice Sunday 2025, reflects on her participation.

Lambeth Cross for Ecumenism presented to West Midlands unity enabler

Robert Mountford, who is both the Ecumenical Mission Officer for Staffordshire and the Potteries and Ecumenical Development Enabler for Birmingham Churches Together, was recognised for services to Christian unity.

Threads through the Bible

25 million stitches celebrating Gods love at a new textile art exhibition for 2025.

Special edition spotify playlist launched for Racial Justice Sunday

Coat of Many Colours features incredible music from Caribbean and African UK artists. Listen from 9 February.

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