The process of training for Ecumenical Officers includes: 

  • An induction session 
  • Visiting a local ecumenical situation 
  • A 24-hour training course, bringing Denominational Ecumenical Officers (DEOs), County Ecumenical Officers (CEOs) and other ecumenical facilitators together 
  • An annual residential conference for all Ecumenical Officers together 
  • Other occasional virtual or physical meetings 

An induction session 

Denominational Ecumenical Officers (DEOs) will be invited to an induction session by the National Ecumenical Officer(NEO) from their Church. These are denominational meetings.  

County Ecumenical Officers (CEOs) and those appointed ecumenically will be invited to an induction session with CTE’s Doral Hayes. These sessions may take place at any time during the year, and it is possible to attend more than one (for example, someone might wish to repeat an induction session, or a DEO in Wales may wish to attend an induction with Cytûn and also with their appropriate NEO). 
If you are a new Ecumenical Officer, please do let CTE or the NEOs know, as we won’t necessarily have heard about your appointment. 

Visiting a local ecumenical situation 

Before the 24-hour course, participants need to visit an ecumenical situation in which they are not involved. This is organised with the CEO or DEOs in a county. Find out more about the visits here.

A 24-hour training course 

Each year CTE and the National Ecumenical Officers host a training course for new Ecumenical Officers (whatever their job title) and those facilitating ecumenism beyond local level. Find out more and book your place.

An annual 24-hour residential conference for all Ecumenical Officers

Organised by CTE and the National Ecumenical Officers, this conference has replaced separate events for CEOs and DEOs – though it does include some sessions held separately to enable DEO or CEO-only meetings. 

Other occasional meetings  

Occasional virtual or face-to-face meetings are organised for Ecumenical Officers. Information is sent to those invited, so do ensure that your National Ecumenical Officer (or CTE, if you are a CEO) knows of your appointment and contact details.  

Do also subscribe to our regular CTe-News mailing to keep up to date with the latest church unity news and stories. 

If you wish to discuss the training process further, please contact CTE’s Doral Hayes or one of the National Ecumenical Officers