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Charter of Change

Racism and The Church, a Bristol-based group, sends out a call for commitment to 'chase diversity and challenge racism in the church'

The final stepping stone

Dr Elizabeth Joy, the first female candidate for the role of General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, shares our Reflection of the Month for July 2022.

Dwelling deeply in our communities

CTE General Secretary Bishop Mike Royal reflects on participating at the Gather Movement Summit held in June 2022.

Transforming Ecumenism – “listen to what the spirit is saying to the church” (Rev 2:7)

Ecumenical Facilitator for Hertfordshire, Doral Hayes, reports on the Fifth International Conference on Receptive Ecumenism in June 2022

New Housing Summit

Is your church thinking about how to respond to new developments? CTE's Principal Officer for Mission and Evangelism, Rev Dr Ben Aldous, invites you to an event on 4 October 2022.

Pray for food security with Compassion UK

Faced with a growing trend of global hunger, this Christian charity reminds us of the "clear commission to care for the hungry" in Matthew 25.

Golden Threads: Reflections from 50 years of The Congregational Federation and The United Reformed Church

Explore the history of these two national Member Churches.

CTE Principal Officer for Ecumenical Development and Relations appointed

Doral Hayes will be joining the CTE team this Autumn.

Unity in diversity

Archpriest Stephen Platt, Secretary for Inter-Christian Affairs and NEO for the Russian Orthodox Church in Great Britain and Ireland, shares our Reflection of the Month for June.

Thy Kingdom Come: Defence Christian Network

It is the third year that Armed Forces’ chaplains, military personnel and MOD civil servants have taken part in the global prayer initiative.

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