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Breathing the ecumenical air

CTE's recently retired General Secretary, Rev Dr Paul Goodliff, shares our Reflection of the Month for May...

Candle of Justice 2022

Christians and churches are invited to join together to light a candle, pray for racial justice and commit to taking action.

Mercy Ships welcomes HRH The Princess Royal to new hospital ship

Mercy Ships UK - one of CTE's Bodies in Association - shares the story of a royal visit to the launch of the charity's newest vessel.

Churches Together in the South West at CRE

CEO of Churches Together in Devon, Paul Snell, shares how taking a stall at the Christian Resources Exhibition helped raise the profile of ecumenism in the South West.

New Church of England National Ecumenical Adviser appointed

The Rev Canon Dr Jeremy Morris takes up his role in early May 2022.

Linking Lives in Cumbria

The charity's National Director, Jeremy Sharpe shares the story of their befriending project in Cockermouth.

Hearing the voices of women in our churches

A Society for Ecumenical Studies webinar on Wednesday 4 May at 7.30pm.

A prayer for Holy Week and Easter 2022

Written for CTE by our General Secretary Bishop Mike Royal.

Our journey together

CTE General Secretary Rev Dr Paul Goodliff reviews how our Member Churches have worked together since the last Forum in 2018.


Churches across the UK and Ireland united in prayer for Ukraine on Sunday 3 April.

No fear of Forum FOMO

A round up of the presentations, perspectives and photos from CTE Forum 2022

Andrea: A Forum first timer

Churches Together in Hertfordshire delegate Andrea Williams sums up her first CTE Forum.

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