With churches drawn from the Anglican, Catholic, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Orthodox and Lutheran traditions, as well as Free Churches, Quakers and others, we unite one of the broadest range of churches in the whole of Europe. 

Our vision is to create the space in which fruitful collaboration and mutual understanding can grow, so that we as churches work more closely together in our great task of sharing in God’s mission and making the gospel of Christ known in our nation.

Our strapline is: One in Christ Jesus, engaged in God’s mission, empowered by the Spirit.

Read more under the headings below, or scroll down to view our Who’s Who and directories.

More about CTE

Find out more about Churches Together in England, including our statement of faith, strategic plan, events including Forum, and annual reports and leaflets.

Find out more FAQs

Ecumenism Explained

Find out more about what it means to work in an ecumenical way.

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Find out more about the history of Churches Together in England.

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Who's who

Member Church Directory

Member Churches of Churches Together in England (CTE) are denominations, networks or councils of churches at the national level.

Presidents of CTE

Churches Together in England is represented by Presidents from the major traditions of our Member Churches.

Staff Directory

Find out more and contact CTE’s staff team

Charities and Networks in Association Directory

A wide range of organisations and networks which draw Christians of different church traditions together around common causes, projects and interests.

Trustees of CTE

Our Trustee board are Trustees of the Charity and Directors of the Company

Enabling Group

CTE’s Enabling Group brings together CTE’s Member Churches twice a year, alongside representatives from Intermediate Bodies and Charities and Networks in Association.

National Ecumenical Officer Directory

National Ecumenical Officers (NEOs) are key to the support of local ecumenism (churches working together locally).

County Ecumenical Officer Directory (Intermediate Bodies)

County Ecumenical Officers support churches working together within a particular county.

Denominational Ecumenical Officers

A number of CTE’s national Member Churches appoint Denominational Ecumenical Officers (DEOs) to encourage local ecumenism.

National Agencies

CTE has three National Agencies: CAFOD, Christian Aid and the Christian Enquiry Agency.

Pentecostal Charismatic Forum

Bringing together Pentecostal and Charismatic churches to build relationships, pray and work together.

Working groups

Churches Together in England facilitates a number of working/coordinating groups.

Our partners

CTE works alongside a range of other church unity bodies; within England, across the UK and globally.

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