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CTE Presidents issue a joint statement in response to recent violent disorder

The Presidents urge churches and communities to work together to put an end to violence, restore peace and heal our nation

‘Find Your Voice’ – speak up for your generation

Join the conversation for UKME young adults online on Saturday 2 September organised by the Church of England.

Windrush 75 service

Southwark Cathedral is hosting this national commemoration on Thursday 22 June at 2pm. A live stream of the service will be available online.

Mission Studies Day 2023

CTE Principal Officer for Mission and Evangelism, Rev Dr Ben Aldous, shares a report of the event on 11 May.

The role of the church and ecumenism in responding to global injustice: reflections from South Africa

A report and reflection by CTE’s Shermara Fletcher, including recommendations for ecumenism in England.

After The Flood – church, slavery and reconciliation

A review of this important documentary from the Movement for Justice and Reconciliation.

Daily prayers for the Candle of Justice 2022

A prayer for each day from 23 to 29 May 2022 written by leaders and emerging leaders of our national Member Churches

Candle of Justice 2022

Christians and churches are invited to join together to light a candle, pray for racial justice and commit to taking action.

‘Reconciling communities – being good news in fractured communities and society’

Professor Anthony Reddie and Rev Dr Tessa Henry-Robinson spoke on the imperative of racial justice for community reconciliation.

Churches respond to traumatic revelations of Child Q

A statement from Churches Together in England’s Pentecostal and Charismatic Forum and Racial Justice Working Group

Racial Justice Sunday 2022

Racial Justice: What’s it got to do with me? — the theme for the event on 13 February 2022

Racial reconciliation service ushers in new era in Birmingham

Christians from historic, Black-led and new Churches across the city gather for racial reconciliation, repentance and restoration.

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