Search Results for hugh osgood
Displaying 1‐9 of 9 results found.
Pages & Resources
9 results found in Pages & ResourcesThe Pentecostal and Charismatic Constituency within the British Church
OverviewThe Pentecostal and Charismatic constituency within the British Church is extensive, diverse and definable. It brings together all who embrace experientially those distinctive gifts of God’s grace, the charisma that are specifically listed as ‘Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ in 1 Corinthians...
Anglican-Pentecostal Consultation 2015
Background to the consultation In 2014, the World Council of Churches’ Faith and Order Commission released The Church: Towards a Common Vision, as a ‘convergence text’ for consideration and response around the world. This provided a potentially significant opportunity for...
Theos report on CTE, 2017
On the publication of the report – entitled That they all may be one: Insights into Churches Together in England and contemporary ecumenism – David Cornick, then General Secretary of Churches Together in England, wrote:"CTE’s Board took the decision to...
Further resources
Reflections on Pentecostal, Charismatic and Black Majority churches in Britain: The Pentecostal and Charismatic Constituency within the British Church – an internal CTE explanatory briefing by Rev Dr Hugh Osgood Pentecostals and Charismatics in Britain – a book edited by former CTE...
Meet the Pentecostals and Charismatics
This webinar, held on 2 November 2021, was an opportunity to hear from members of our Pentecostal Forum, leaders in the Pentecostal and Charismatic church and to share the great work that is happening across the nation. CTE's Principal Officer...
Former CTE Presidents
Churches Together in England is represented by Presidents from the major traditions of our national Member Churches. A list of our former Presidents, and the years they served, is available below. Read more about CTE’s current Presidents on our main CTE Presidents page. Former Presidents...
Education Sunday 2021
Education Sunday 2021 took place on Sunday 12 September. The theme The theme for 2021 was "A word in season".An introduction to the 2021 theme was written by CTE President and Free Churches Moderator, Rev Dr Hugh Osgood.The Bible passages were: Isaiah 50. 4-9a Psalm 116....
The Presidents’ panel: Forum 2015
This is an archive page. We are delighted that all our Presidents will be at the 2015 Forum, though two of them, Archbishop Gregorios and Archbishop Justin Welby, will be there via a video: Archbishop Gregorios writes: 'It is with deep regret that I have...
Forum 2018 texts, videos, photos and reports
Welcome to this summary page which contains all texts and downloadable material from the 2018 Forum: 'I am with you always – Together in God's Mission'. What is the Forum? It's the broadest ecumenical representative gathering of Christians in England. Photos All Forum photos can be...