Pages & Resources
304 results found in Pages & ResourcesFirst national meeting of Catholic and Black Pentecostal leaders, 2013
An initial conversation took place between the Church Leaders of the Black Pentecostal Churches and the Catholic Church in England and Wales on Tuesday 21 May 2013 at the offices of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales in...
Anglican-Pentecostal Consultation 2014
A historic consultation took place between Anglicans and Pentecostals on 7 and 8 April 2014, at High Leigh in Hertfordshire. Initiated by the Church of England’s Council for Christian Unity, it took forward resolutions passed at successive Lambeth Conferences, and...
Anglican-Pentecostal Consultation 2015
Background to the consultation In 2014, the World Council of Churches’ Faith and Order Commission released The Church: Towards a Common Vision, as a ‘convergence text’ for consideration and response around the world. This provided a potentially significant opportunity for...
Unprecedented meeting of Orthodox and Pentecostal Church Leaders, 2016
As part of a Churches Together in England (CTE) initiative, The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre in the United Kingdom hosted an unprecedented meeting of Orthodox and Pentecostal Church leaders on 6 June 2016. The fraternal meeting, which aimed to build...
Anglican-Pentecostal Steering Group Consultation April 2019
Here you can access the report from the Anglican-Pentecostal Steering Group (APTSG) Consultation on Pneumatology & Baptism in the Spirit, held on Tuesday 2nd April 2019 at the Centre for Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies, Birmingham University.APTSG consultation report, April 2019 ...
Young adults at Forum 2022
Churches Together in England is determined that there will be a significant presence of young adults at the 2022 Forum. Churches will be asked to include people aged between 18 and 30 in their delegations and any spare places will...
Forum 2022 planning team
Moderator Dionne Gravesande (top left) has over twenty-five years of experience working with churches, national and international non-governmental organisations. Currently she is a senior manager at Christian Aid with a corporate remit for global ecumenical partnerships and expressions of ecumenical...
Worship and music at the Forum
The music planning group Led by Kevin Huggett, Chaplain at Lancaster University (second from right above), who co-ordinated all the music, the music planning group consisted of Anton Muller, the Forum Deputy Moderator and CTE staff member Ben Aldous. Throughout...
The Forum 2022 logo
The Forum planning team wanted a fresh look for this Forum and launched a competition to find a suitable logo. The winner was Jacky Yomi, a self-taught artist who finished his Master’s degree in Architecture at the University of Westminster...
The Marketplace at Forum 2022
Throughout the Forum (14 to 16 March 2022) there was a marketplace where various organisations displayed information and resources. Who can take part? CTE's Bodies in Association, Intermediate Bodies, Agencies and Member Churches were all eligible for a display table...
Workshops at Forum 2022
1: Reconciliation through the lens of decolonising the bible Leader: Tedroy Powell; Venue: Main Conference Hall (not the Derbyshire Hall but the stand-alone hall) If Reconciliation is the core of the Gospel, how and to what extent is the decolonisation...
Called To Be One
Download Called To Be One (2002 edition) Download Called To Be One - The Workbook (1996) Foreword to the 2002 edition – an excerpt This book was written as a resource for the Called To Be One process through which...
Why and how CTE was established
What started it all off? 1982 was a very eventful year, ecumenically, in Britain and Ireland. On the world stage, two important documents were published: the Lima report on Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry, and the final report of ARCIC 1. This was also the year...
Theos report on CTE, 2017
On the publication of the report – entitled That they all may be one: Insights into Churches Together in England and contemporary ecumenism – David Cornick, then General Secretary of Churches Together in England, wrote:"CTE’s Board took the decision to...