
As of 21st February 2022 The Churches Rural Group has suspended its activities after a period of sabbath listening to see what the Spirit was saying regarding the future. Some members of the group are helping to organise the International Association of Rural Churches online gathering from 7th-8th March 2022. Details may be found here. There is a commitment to potentially establish new work in a years time.

The Churches Rural Group (CRG) was established as a Coordinating Group within Churches Together which unites in pilgrimage those churches in England which, acknowledging God’s revelation in Christ, confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures, and, in obedience to God’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit commit themselves:

to seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another in the Church, which is his body; and to fulfil their mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in the worldto the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Since November 2020, the group has been co-chaired by Claire Maxim of The Arthur Rank Centre and Simon Mattholie from Rural Ministries.

The CRG describes its purpose as “to provide ecumenical space for Churches with presence in rural areas, and related Christian agencies, to reflect theologically and practically on the life and mission of UK rural churches; to offer mutual support to one another; where appropriate to present or speak to the member Churches and Bodies in Association of CTE key issues affecting rural churches and the context in which they serve.”

It is not our purpose in CRG to promote ecumenism for its own sake but rather to encourage a healthy respect for one another and each other’s distinctiveness, and to cooperate where appropriate.

CRG has no desire to be a mere ‘talking shop’ but does desire that by our shared participation synergy is created for the benefit of the Missio Dei.

In particular we want to encourage and equip rural churches, from all denominations, to be more effective in their mission. This involves:

  • Facilitating an understanding of the challenges and changes facing rural churches
  • Facilitating an understanding of the needs and opportunities in rural communities
  • Identifying gaps in provision of support to rural churches
  • Encouraging member denominations and agencies to act in a co-ordinated way to fill these gaps.

Wider Membership

Inevitably some of those who take part in CRG are Churches whose life and witness extend beyond the boundaries of England. CRG has always welcomed participation by those in other parts of the United Kingdom with common concern and aims.

CRG has also been pleased to welcome the participation of Churches, Associational Bodies and Organisations that are not necessarily members of CTE.  For example, a number of smaller Churches from the Free Churches Group have been represented for several years, as have also various organisational bodies.

CRG recognises that certain Christian networks and organisations exist with a common rural focus but distinctive purposes.  These occasionally have some overlapping concerns.  CRG offers a forum where these distinct emphases can be recognised and encouraged, thus avoiding possible unhelpful duplication or inadvertent conflict.  For this reason CRG extends a warm welcome ‘to the table’ to any such body.  We are able to enrich one another through our participation and create mutual benefit and serve our common cause.

Past Shared Projects

Members of CRG have agreed to promote various campaigns and activities of which the following are previous examples:

  • Shared major rural conference have been held every two or three years;
  • A campaign to raise awareness of modern slavery and the exploitative abuse of migrant labour in rural areas,
  • A campaign to ensure the continuance of local Post Offices in rural areas, sometimes by accommodating these within churches;
  • The promotion of Foodbanks in rural areas;
  • The promotion of the work of Farming Community Network (formerly Farm Crisis Network) and Agricultural Chaplaincy;
  • The encouragement of dialogue and where possible mutual action regarding the deployment of ordained ministers in rural areas.
  • Promoting helpful resources such as “Faith in the Countryside” and “Country Way”

The Relationship between CRG and the Arthur Rank Centre

The relationship between CRG and ARC is symbiotic.  The ARC is a member of the CRG.  Other members of CRG recognise the excellent work done by the ARC.  CRG elects someone to serve as a trustee of ARC.  Since CRG does not employ staff it relies upon the ARC to act in a ‘servant’ capacity in order to accomplish some of its aims (for example in the organisation and management of its major conferences).
In turn CRG provides some practical support for the work of the ARC and serves as a forum for discussing its strategies, and a useful vehicle for their promotion.

Looking Beyond our Shores

CRG has found that often things that concern us are echoed in other parts of the world.  CRG has become a significant participant within the International Rural Churches Association.  Our participation has helped to ensure that key issues are on the agenda for the European Union, the Conference of European Churches, and the World Council of Churches.  Such bodies have large agendas and it is all too easy for rural matters and the valuable contribution of rural churches to be overlooked.

Current Members of CRG

The following Churches and organisations are represented as at 1st January 2021.

  • The Church of England
  • The Baptist Union of Great Britain
  • The Methodist Church
  • The United Reformed Church
  • The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales
  • The Salvation Army
  • A collective representation of smaller Free Churches including the Congregational Federation, The Countess of Huntingdon’s Connexion, the Free Methodist Church, the Independent Methodist Church the Church of the Nazarene, the Wesleyan Reform Union, the Moravian Church and the Churches of Christ.
  • The Scottish Rural Churches Group
  • Rural Ministries
  • The Arthur Rank Centre
  • The Agricultural Chaplains Association
  • The Rural Evangelism Network
  • The Rural Theology Association
  • Farming Community Network (formerly Farm Crisis Network)