Rothwell’s ecumenical welcome

Members of the Northamptonshire town's Methodist church invited neighbours from two recently closed churches to worship and work alongside them.

Communion, cakes and a holy cacophony of Christian voices

Sam Rigby, a recipient of a grant from The Bill Snelson Young Ecumenists Fund, shares highlights from his visit to the World Council of Churches and the Hautecombe Discipleship School.

‘Poignant and timely’: reflections on the World Day of Prayer 2024

On Friday 1 March, ecumenical services were held across the country for the World Day of Prayer 2024. The worship resources were prepared by women in Palestine.

Local connection, international impact

A 'Hand to Hand' food packing event could be a unique opportunity to share the love of Jesus in your community

Taking time to remember this All Hallow’s Eve

Pastor Tristan Sherwin shares his experience as one of the Churches Together in Bury chaplains in the town's main shopping centre.

Together 2023 – 30 September in Rome

CTE's Bishop Mike Royal and Doral Hayes share their experience in Rome at this global ecumenical prayer event

I joined the flood of Christian youth

Former Methodist Youth President, Daud Irfan, shares how he answered Pope Francis' invitation for all young Christians to be part of Together 2023.

Two’s Company Keswick Befriending Scheme

The Leader of Two’s Company Keswick, Keith Rigg, shares how their befriending scheme is making a difference to those who are isolated or lonely.

The fun of festival chaplaincy

Baptist Minister in Training Esther Day shares the joy of being a Chaplain "beside the seaside, beside the sea."

Food to the frontlines

Feed the Hungry UK's CEO Gwyn Williams visited Ukraine to help distribute aid from the charity and its supporters.

World Youth Day “Wow”

Annika Mathews shares the inspirational experience of joining more than 350,000 young pilgrims in Lisbon.

A spiritual utopia – World Youth Day 2023

Digital Media Officer at the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, Luegi Lopes, shares the experience of her first World Youth Day.

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