Nottingham – Bow Down
Dave Miller from Trent Vineyard writes…
As part of the wider Thy Kingdom Come prayer initiative, hundreds of Christians in Nottingham gathered for an event called ‘bow down’ right in the very centre of the city.
As the clock chimed 9:30pm, the gathered mass from churches and denominations across the city, all knelt down and began to call out to God in prayer, seeking the heart of God in the heart of the city. This was a moment of corporate intercession in the city for the city, a moment of symbolic importance as the body of Christ adopted the posture of humility and knelt, a moment of great significance as we gathered to pray ‘Your kingdom come’.
The city centre itself was noisy and alive with club nights for students just opening up, bars and restaurants in full swing and the sounds of the diminishing inhibitions that a few drinks inspire in people. Yet, as these hundreds of believers silently knelt to pray, a quiet descended on the square. Passers-by stopped to watch, many asked questions as a peace and stillness settled in the air.
Then, in a beautiful testimony of hope to the city, we raised our phone torch lights in the darkening twilight, and sang; without PA, music or accompaniment, just the raised voices of Christians on their knees united in love for their city; united in hope that the light of Jesus would be known here too. And we sang those famous words over the city and beyond, “Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I’m found was blind but now I see”.
Northampton – Pentecost in the Park
County Ecumenical Development Officer for Northamptonshire, Allison Shefford writes…
More than 300 Christians from various denominations joined our Pentecost in the Park event at Abingdon Park in Northampton. They enjoyed performances from bands from different churches and there were children’s activities led by NAYC -Northamptonshire Association of Youth Clubs, Rev Jane Wade and team at Abington Avenue United Reformed Church and a team from Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. Various Christian charities also exhibited including: Every Nation Bible School, Evangelistic Round Table, Christians Against Poverty (CAP) and Hope UK. There was also a ‘Healing Rooms’ tent.

We also joined 18,000 other Christians from around the UK in a musical act of unity at 3.15pm for the National Day of Prayer and Worship #BackToPentecost. Lifting our voices, we sang the Thy Kingdom Come worship song ‘We Seek Your Kingdom’.
This event was organised by Churches Together Shire and Soke and Churches Together Northampton.