
Anton Muller is the County Ecumenical Officer for Lancashire. He brings to the role of Moderator a wide range of experience of church and society and was the Deputy Moderator for the CTE Forum 2022. A graduate in Theology from Durham University with an MA in Education, Anton first trained as a teacher of Religious Education, Music and Drama. Anton then became Education Officer and Head of Visits at Rochester Cathedral, a role promoting a mission based approach to visits by schools and tourists . His next role was the post of Education Officer for the Church Mission Society with responsibility for the national team for mission education working with children, young people and adults. From there Anton trained for the ministry and has been a parish priest, a hospital and hospice chaplain, a lecturer in theological studies and a supply teacher from reception to Year 13! He continues to enjoy playing a range of musical instruments across all styles, although he is principally a flautist.

Anton is passionate about ecumenism and in every role he has held this has been central to his outlook and engagement with the church and the world.  Since November 1st, 2022, Anton has been engaged as the County Ecumenical Officer for Lancashire in a full-time capacity.  One of the areas Anton is exploring is the delivery of the Common Awards modules in Ecumenism as part of lay and ordained ministry training and formation.

Deputy Moderator

Olivia Armartey is Executive Director of Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance (the official charity name of the Elim Pentecostal Church in the UK and Ireland), with responsibility for the strategic and business operations of EFGA. She has held this post since 2018, before which she was a senior leader in the NHS as Deputy Chief Officer, Operations, for the Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group. Olivia brings to the role over 30 years experience working in public, private and charitable organisations. She describes herself as ‘professional, knowledgeable, hardworking with a strong commitment to the people I lead and serve’ and promises that ‘having a great sense of fun is the demonstrable foundation to all of the above skills’. Olivia holds a BSc from Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh, a post graduate diploma in Management from De Montfort University and an MSc in Commissioning and Leadership from the University of Birmingham. As well as the day job, Olivia is an ordained Elim Minister. In 2015, she pioneered Crosspoint Church, an Elim church plant in Great Barr, North Birmingham, where she continues to serve as Associate Pastor of Crosspoint Church, Birmingham.

Olivia has a passion for discipleship and aims in her ministry to open up the Biblical scriptures in real and relevant ways. She undertakes many speaking engagements at various conferences and churches throughout the UK. Olivia has served on CTE’s Racial Justice Working Group since its inaugural meeting in February 2021. Olivia is mum to her son Joshua, and a huge fan of all things Strictly!

Other members of the planning group are:

Fr Stephen Platt, Rector of St Nicholas Orthodox Church, Oxford and National Ecumenical Officer for the Russian Orthodox Church. Fr Stephen Platt also acts as chaplain to the Forum Planning Group.

John Cooper, Chair of the CTE Charities and Networks in Association and Director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation.

Emma Wright, County Ecumenical Officer for Churches Together in Herefordshire.

Femi Onanuga, Youth Pastor at Mill Hill East Church, London and student in Theology and Ministerial Studies at Spurgeons College.

The planning group is supported by the CTE Chair of Trustees, Rowena Loverance and former CTE Trustee Amanda Alchorn. Find out more about the CTE Trustees.

CTE Staff

As the largest event in the CTE calendar all the CTE staff team are involved in Forum and will be there in March 2025. On the planning group are Mike Royal, General Secretary, Doral Hayes, Principal Officer for Ecumenical Development and Relations, Sarah Ball, Senior Communications and Media Manager and Ben Cross, Head of Operations.

Lorraine Shannon, CTE’s Operations Manager, also works closely with the planning group and is responsible for many of the practicalities of the Forum. You can view the staff contact information on our staff page.