God-given gifts

The 2015 Forum was intended to enable the English Churches to understand and encounter something of the diversity of English Christianity. We therefore engaged with two of our groupings of Churches to discover some of the gifts of God within their traditions:

  • The Orthodox Churches
  • Pentecostalism

Young people

Young people are the life-blood and future leaders of our Churches. On Tuesday evening twelve young people led a session for us with the help of Chemin Neuf. They were fully funded to attend the Welcome to Paradise experience in August. (Watch the trailer.)

Many delegations to the Forum included young people and they were also invited to be day delegates as our guests.

Marketplace and Presidents’ Panel

Throughout the Forum there was be a Marketplace, where various organisations displayed information and resources. Tuesday afternoon was free, enabling delegates to focus on the Forum Marketplace if they wished. After tea, there was the Presidents’ Panel, offering the gathering an opportunity to engage with CTE’s Presidents.


Our worship leader was Noel Robinson. On Wednesday volunteers offered morning worship options from which delegates chose. Sarah Larkin was our poet-in-residence.

Download the programme and see key information.