Who can help me?

Local Ecumenical Partnerships are resourced by Denominational Ecumenical Officers within County or Intermediate Bodies. The County Ecumenical Officer helps and supports but is not responsible for LEPs – the Churches are. Mirroring this, LEP help from the national level is provided by the relevant National Ecumenical Officers, via a dedicated e-mail address please (see below). Please use that address so that queries are logged.

If you have a specific LEP query

Please e-mail the NEO group. In the subject line, put the denominations involved in the LEP so that the appropriate National Ecumenical Officers pay attention. If you have a generic query, please summarise the query in the subject line.

If there is a problem which has not been sorted using the generic e-mail address and you need to talk to a CTE staff member, please contact Doral Hayes in the first instance.