The register of LEPs is held by Churches Together in England on the basis of information supplied by Intermediate Bodies. If you think some information is inaccurate or missing, please contact the appropriate County Ecumenical Officer in the first instance as they supply the information provided here.

The register is an Excel document. It is accompanied by a help document which tells you how to navigate and sort the register. We no longer provide a map showing the location of LEPs but you can do this yourself on the internet using the postcode supplied or simply searching for the LEP by name. The postcode should not be used for mail as it is simply an indicator of locality. The archive registers (ordered by the date in reverse, ie yy mm dd) are listed here for research purposes.

Each LEP was given a unique identifying number in 2014 . These were scrambled at some point so please treat numbers with caution until they were corrected in 2020.

CTE provides a hosting service for LEP constitutions which is accessible only to County Ecumenical Officers, and includes only those constitutions sent to us.

Submit corrections and new information to the register via the form further down this page…

The LEP register form

County Officers are asked to send corrections to the Register to Lorraine Shannon. You can use the form below or make the corrections from the latest LEP register listed above (00 – Current LEP register). To do this, click on the row number (to the left of the LEP number) and then copy and paste it into an e-mail, ensuring that you retain the formatting, and highlighting what changes need to be made.

If there is a new LEP, you can insert the information into your copy of the register and send it in the same way, making it clear that this is a new LEP.

If an LEP has formally terminated, please let Lorraine know so that she can remove it from the register.

Alternatively, you may prefer to complete the form below: