What does it mean to pray “Thy Kingdom Come”? 

Video reflections, asking 'What does it mean to pray "Thy Kingdom Come"?'

The Archbishop of Canterbury has reflected on this question and invited other national church and network leaders to reflect on it too.  In preparation for the 10 days of prayer Thy Kingdom Come 10th – 20th May 2018, a series of videos have been produced exploring the question from different perspectives and traditions. 

For this month’s CTE Reflection of the Month we share the videos produced so far, for you to watch and reflect on the same question: ‘What does it mean to pray “Thy Kingdom Come”?’

Revd Dr Kate Colemen, Founder/Co-Director Next Leadership 

In conversation with Pete Gregg from the 24-7 Prayer International

In conversation with Archbishop Angaelos, Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London

Rev Lynn Green, General Secretary Baptist Union

In conversation with Reverend Gareth Powell, Secretary of the Methodist Conference

Shane Claiborne, Author and Speaker