Churches pay tribute to Rev Dr Joel Edwards
The ecumenical community shares the sadness of so many at the death of Rev Dr Joel Edwards CBE, who passed away on 30 June 2021, aged 70.
Apocalyptic times call for closer cooperation
CTE's Principal Officer for Mission and Evangelism, Rev Dr Ben Aldous, recently hosted a 'Fresh Expressions taster day' for our Member Churches. He looks back on the event for our Reflection of the Month for July 2021...
Young Christians’ relay to COP26
A group of young Christians from several of our National Member Churches are walking in relay from Cornwall to Glasgow. Hear directly from one of the young walkers talking part...
National Thank You Day
An opportunity to give thanks with the whole United Kingdom on 4 July 2021
Thy Kingdom Come 2021 update
TKC observes the Orthodox calendar for the first time. Plus a catch up of regional highlights from May.
Webinar recording: Edging into hybrid church, part 2
Watch-back the second Edging into Hybrid Church webinar from 20 May, hosted by CTE, HOPE Together and the Evangelical Alliance.
Doing Justice: A national ecumenical service
A national ecumenical service on the anniversary of the murder of George Floyd.
Christians across the nation commit to action on racial justice
Churches marked the anniversary of George Floyd’s death on 25 May.
Intercultural Church: Shared Learning from New Communities – A review
Programme Leader of the MA in African Christianity at Liverpool Hope University, theologian Dr Harvey C. Kwiyani, reviews this book by CTE's Ben Aldous with Idina Dunmore, and Mohan Seevaratnam...
Daily prayers for racial justice: 23-30 May
CTE will be sharing daily prayers on racial justice from our Member Churches, one each day from Sun 23 to Sun 30 May.
Candle of Justice: a moment of action on 25 May
Churches will join together to light a candle, pray for racial justice and commit to taking action.
Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East joins CTE
Welcome to our newest national Member Church - ACOTE - which joins the Orthodox 'family'