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“The richness of the body of Christ”

Ellmina Mckenzie shares how a last-minute course cancellation led to a transformative experience at Taizé.

Snelson Fund grants announced

The fund from Churches Together in England is now in its second year of operation.

“Called to be a family”

Snelson Fund awardee Dan Tarrant travelled from Sheffield to the 24-7 prayer annual international Gathering in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

“Good teaching paired with good food and even better people”

Tenny Antony a fifth year seminarian for the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham, went to Centro Pro Unione in Rome with help from The Bill Snelson Young Ecumenists Fund.

‘Church in a State’

Rev Joseph Nelson, a recipient of a grant from the Snelson Fund, joined the Anglican-Lutheran Society Conference in Edinburgh for his ecumenical experience abroad.

Ecumenism: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally

A report from the All Ecumenical Representatives Conference in September 2024 which included presentations on the Council of Nicaea, the World Council of Churches and peace and reconciliation.

The opportunity and challenge of chaplaincy – Monday 4 November, 6 – 7.30pm

Join us for the latest webinar in the Ecumenism: The Next Generation series to hear from young chaplains from across our Member Churches.

The flourishing of the church will only grow at the speed of friendship

Isaiah Morris, a recipient of a grant from Snelson Fund visits Rome and the Vatican and discovers the power of collaboration across traditions and the beauty that can emerge from it.

Apply now for unforgettable and life-changing experiences

The Bill Snelson Young Ecumenists Fund is now open for grant applications from Christians aged 18 to 35. Apply before 31 October.

Working together with nature

Snelson Fund awardee Rebecca Boardman, reflects on her time as a member of the community at the Asian Rural Institute in Japan.

Ecumenism is the way forward

Snelson Fund awardee Jack Woodruff, reflects on his time at the 2024 conference of the European branches of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation.

Meet the Snelson Fund awardees from Spring 2024

Seven young ecumenists have been awarded grants by The Bill Snelson Young Ecumenists Fund.

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