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Sarah: A Forum first timer
Church of England member Sarah Finch was a CTE Forum 'newbie' in 2022.
Nia: A Forum first timer
New Testament Assembly member, Nia Darling, attended her first CTE Forum in 2022.
‘Reconciliation in a post-Covid world’ – unity of mission
The Archbishop of Westminster and CTE President Cardinal Vincent Nichols on the church's role.
A vision for CTE
The newly commissioned General Secretary of CTE, Bishop Mike Royal, shared his vision with Forum 2022.
‘Reconciling people to planet earth- being good news to a world in climate emergency’
Canon Dr Ruth Valerio spoke about the central duty of Christians to protect the earth
‘Reconciling communities – being good news in fractured communities and society’
Professor Anthony Reddie and Rev Dr Tessa Henry-Robinson spoke on the imperative of racial justice for community reconciliation.
Forward from Forum
The new CTE General Secretary, Bishop Mike Royal, shares our Reflection of the Month for April 2022...
‘Reconciliation in a post-Covid world’
The Archbishop of Canterbury and CTE President, Justin Welby, was the opening keynote speaker at CTE Forum 2022.
A renewed commitment
A summary statement at the close of the CTE Forum 2022
Getting the most from CTE Forum 2022
Forum first-timer and CTE Communications Manager Sarah Ball asks some experienced attendees how to maximise the experience
In pursuit of a deeper union
The Moderator of the CTE Forum 2022, Dionne Gravesande, shares our Reflection of the Month for March 2022...