‘But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in his wings, And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.’ Malachi 4:2
Lifewords, a new Charity and Network in Association with Churches Together in England, published the Little Book of Joy on 29 February. The latest in the Little Book range, this vibrant and eye-catching pocket-sized booklet explores what the Bible says about joy, and how it can be lost, found and restored.

Little Book of Joy is the newest resource in Lifewords’ boxed collection, the Little Brick of Little Books, designed to equip Christian ministries and workers with a creative way to engage people with the transformative message of the Bible.
Lifewords Creative Director Steve Bassett said: “The Little Books speak to the human experience wherever and however we are. They are thought-provoking, conversation-starting, chinks of light in a challenging world.
“As a new member of Churches Together in England, we are really pleased that the Little Brick of Little Books has the opportunity to be put to use across a spectrum of church contexts and beyond.”
Lifewords’ mission is to help people from all walks of life share and experience the Bible in person, in print, and online. Through resources and a range of programmes and projects, Lifewords worldwide ministry is all about creating ways into the Bible for everyone, everywhere. Lifewords continues to make their material freely available at the point of need, as they have since their founding in 1888, with donations welcomed.