What does it mean to be intentionally ecumenical in the charity sector?

This was the theme of our April 2024 Charities and Networks in Association meeting.

Churches Together in England has more than 90 Charities and Networks in Association (CNA). These are voluntary associations of Christians or movements within the church, which are recognised for their participation in the churches’ mission and ecumenism (churches working together).

Three times a year, these CNAs join with the Bodies in Association from Churches Together in Great Britain and Ireland to discuss topics of mutual interest and to share good practice.

The keynote speaker at the April 2024 meeting was World Vision UK‘s Ecumenical Theologian, Dr Natasha Klukach. She addressed the theme What does it mean to be intentionally ecumenical in the charity sector?

This was the first meeting for six organisations which have just become a Charity and Network in Association with CTE. They are:

Communications Director for Acts 435, Katie Greene commented on their first meeting: “Acts 435 is excited to have become a charity in association with Churches Together in England. The new charities represented were made to feel very welcome, and it was wonderful to see so many representatives of different charities and networks who are all working towards the same goal of spreading the Good News. I enjoyed the topic, which was all about being ecumenical in our work. It was a very thought-provoking subject and I enjoyed listening to others perspectives. It brought great encouragement and challenge, which will enable us as a charity to explore the idea further. It was a fantastic first meeting, and I look forward to the next one!”

Find out how to become a Charity and Network in Association with CTE.