Nia: A Forum first timer

New Testament Assembly member, Nia Darling, attended her first CTE Forum in 2022.

Nia writes…

CTE Forum was simply amazing! Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. From the platform all the way to the journey home, I found people that were willing to help and support me. True representations of Christ and His kindness were surrounding me throughout the experience.

Forum was a time to gather, a celebration of the true meaning of the body of Christ and an opportunity to discover new teachings and perspectives. There’s so much we can learn from each other, when we focus on the things that unite us, instead of the things that divide us. We are better as one. Better together. Together we can better serve our communities.

I loved the diverse range of teachings we received from: reconciliation, disagreeing well, Christianity and empire, Womanist theology, wellbeing, climate change and unity! We covered so many wonderful topics in a short space of time. We explored what is important to us as a collective of Christians and how we can move forward.

I made new friends that I’m sure I will have for many years! I learnt what it means to be a Quaker. I learnt how the prophetic is something so close to the hearts of Charismatics. So many denominations, serving one God, one Son and one Holy Spirit. Forum was a beautiful celebration of all that it means to be a Christian. I feel proud to belong to the faith and to belong to such an awesome and diverse family of believers.

“We are one but not the same” – Archbishop Justin Welby.

Bring on CTE Forum 2025!