Throughout the Forum there was a marketplace where various organisations displayed information and resources. A list of those organisations is below.
Who could take part?
- CTE’s Bodies in Association, Intermediate Bodies and Member Churches were all eligible for a display table as long as the person responsible had made a residential booking for the Forum for the whole time.
- Other organisations which fulfilled our display criteria also applied for a display table. Successful applicants were required to make a full time residential booking at a cost of £205. They were able to participate fully in the Forum.
Display criteria
Organisations apart from those in §1 above must fulfil the following criteria:
- Christian and in good standing with others.
- Charitable or not-for-profit.
- Largely national coverage in England.
- Established track record of working ecumenically.
- Non-party political.
Who did display?
Association of Christian Writers
Association of Interchurch Families
Christians Aware
Churches Community Work Alliance
Churches Together in South London
Corrymeela Community
Derby Church Net
Devine Music
Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Embrace the Middle East
Friends of the Holy Land
Housing Justice
International Ecumenical Fellowship
International Ministerial Council of GB
Iona Community
Mission Shaped Ministry
Multiply Christian Network
My church is Ichthus CF
Noel Robinson
Retreat Association
Springs Dance Company
Student Christian Movement
The Salvation Army
United Reformed Church