The Snelson Fund grant recipients are listed by cohort, with the most recent first…

Cohort 3 (Autumn 2024)

NameMember ChurchWhere was their ecumenical experience?
Eleanor DatsonBaptist UnionM4 Ready Europe Church Planting event, Berlin, Germany
Edward DayChurch of EnglandTaizé Community, France
Alexander HrabakOecumenical PatriarchateChevetogne Monastery, Belgium
Laura MacfarlaneChurch of EnglandNorth Carolina, United States of America
Danny PeggChurch of EnglandSouth Dakota, United States of America
Samuel WilliamsChurch of EnglandGlobal Ecumenical Theological Institute 2025, Egypt

Cohort 2 (Spring 2024)

NameMember ChurchWhere was their ecumenical experience?
Tenny AntonyCatholic Bishops’ Conference of England and WalesCentro Pro Unione, Rome, Italy
Ellmina MckenzieNew Testament Church of GodTaizé Community, France
Isaiah MorrisChurch of EnglandCasa Balthasar, Rome, Italy
Joseph NelsonCouncil of Lutheran Churches in Great BritainAnglican-Lutheran Society Conference, Edinburgh
Dan TarrantBaptist Union24/7 Prayer international conference, Netherlands
Jack WoodruffMethodist ChurchEuropean Branches of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation(EuFoR) meeting, Spain

Cohort 1 (Autumn 2023)

NameMember ChurchWhere was their ecumenical experience?
Joseph AllanChurch of EnglandChevetogne Monastery, Belgium
Rebecca BoardmanChurch of EnglandAsian Rural Institute, Japan
Sarah CraneBaptist UnionConsultation of the European Network for Healthcare Chaplaincy, Czech Republic
Sam RigbyChurch of EnglandWorld Council of Churches, Switzerland and Hautecombe Discipleship School, France
John StayneCatholic Bishops’ Conference of England and WalesCoptic Orthodox Church, Egypt
Nicholas TallChurch of EnglandChevetogne Monastery, Belgium

Find out more about The Bill Snelson Young Ecumenists Fund.