As the only church in Aford, we at Aford Baptist Church wish to extend a warm welcome to Christians from other traditions who live nearby and want to be a part of a worshipping community here.

We invite you to play a full part in our worship and witness in this community and further afield, and add your unique contribution to the life of Christ’s people here.

Share with us

  • in worship and in Holy Communion
  • in ministry and outreach
  • in using your personal giftings
  • in contributing the riches from your worship traditions
  • in giving and receiving pastoral care
  • and in decision making as a member of the worshipping community 

Following the decision made by Churches Together in Ashire (our Intermediate Body) on ……… 20xx that such declarations may be made in the area in which they serve, we have sought and followed their advice as to which churches should first be consulted, and we make this invitation with their blessing.



Church Secretary:-

On behalf of Churches Together in Ashire:-

Declaration of Ecumenical Welcome and Commitment, Baptist Union of Great Britain, June 2020