The National Board of Catholic Women (NBCW) have published a new resource entitled Who Can Receive Communion with Us? which seeks to answer the question “When may Christians from other Churches ask to receive Holy Communion in a Catholic Church?”
The leaflet clarifies what is meant by sharing Communion, outlining when Communion may be shared, and provides advice about how to ask to receive Communion within the current guidance.
Download the Who Can Receive Communion with Us? leaflet
The National Board of Catholic Women have written this leaflet in consultation with the Association of Interchurch Families, the Department for Faith and Unity of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity in Rome. Its guidance is based on the teaching of One Bread, One Body, the Bishops’ Conference teaching document on the Eucharist in the life of the Church.
Janet Ward, of the NBCW said: “We are excited to have this leaflet available to help inform and clarify what is allowed under the Roman Catholic Church’s current guidance with regard to eucharistic hospitality. We hope it will be circulated broadly across the Church.”
A webinar exploring theological, ecumenical and personal perspectives on when and why you may ask to receive Communion in a Catholic context will take place on Monday 17 May from 7- 8.30pm.
The speakers will include:
- Dr Clare Watkins (Reader, Ecclesiology and Practical Theology, University of Roehampton)
- Right Reverend Paul Hendricks (Catholic Auxiliary Bishop of Southwark)
- Helen and Philip Mayles (Association of Interchurch Families)
The seminar is open to all. Book a place now.