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MA Mission Prize 2024 winner – Mthr Rachel Summers

This year’s winner is pioneer curate from north east London who has a passion for creating opportunities for people to play, explore, and connect with their local wild spaces.

Webinar: Researching mission and ministry in rural contexts – 10 July 2024

Join CTE's Mission Research Network and partners for a free webinar.

Beyond the Familiar: Exploring Evangelism in the unknown

The fourth Learning to be Missionary Disciples Conference will take place on 27 and 28 November 2024.

Rural Ministries Courses for 2024

Gather with other ecumenical rural leaders to explore community, mission, evangelism & leadership in your context. There are two sessions - May and October 2024.

Future Church? Mission, spiritual ecumenism and the gift of the ‘other’

An invitation to the Churches Together in Somerset annual public lecture, delivered this year by CTE's Rev Dr Ben Aldous.

Evangelism and Ecumenism: Conflict or Complementarity?

A Society for Ecumenical Studies webinar on Wednesday 24 January 2024 at 7.30pm

Christmas Prayer 2023

Written and recorded on video by CTE Principal Officer for Mission and Evangelism Rev Dr Ben Aldous.

The World Council of Churches at 75

CTE's Principal Officer for Mission and Evangelism, Rev Dr Ben Aldous, reflects on the influence of the World Council of Churches (WCC)

Church leaders encouraged to help with the nations wellbeing

More than 250 Christian leaders gathered at the ChurchWorks Wellbeing event on 18 May.

Webinar: The church as an evangelising community

CTE's Principal Officer for Mission and Evangelism, Rev Dr Ben Aldous, issues an invitation for this webinar on Tuesday 18 April.

The God Who Walks Slowly: Reflections on Mission with Kosuke Koyama – A review

Deputy General Secretary of CTBI Peter Colwell reviews this book by CTE's Principal Officer for Mission and Evangelism Rev Dr Ben Aldous.

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