What can we learn about Christian unity from the Church of South India?

A Society for Ecumenical Studies webinar on Tuesday 25 July at 6pm.

In 1947 four church traditions were brought together in the Church of South India which unites episcopal and non-episcopal Protestant denominations. How can their experience inform our work for unity between the churches in the UK?

The speakers

Bishop John Perumbalath comes from the ancient Christian community in Kerala, South India. He was ordained into the Church of North India in 1994 and moved to the UK in 2001. He was installed as the 9th Bishop of Liverpool in April this year. Amongst other roles, Bishop John is the Chair of Churches’ Refugee Network. He is a trustee of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. He chairs Christians Aware, an educational charity and serves on the Anglican Communion-wide Advisory Group of USPG, an Anglican mission society.

Bishop Royce Manoj Victor was ordained as the first bishop of the newly formed Diocese of Malabar of the Church of South India (CSI) in 2016. He was a member of the International Reformed-Anglican Dialogue and is currently the Co-Chair of the International Anglican-Pentecostal Commission.

The Chair

Victoria Turner is a doctoral student at the University of Edinburgh. Her PhD researches practical responses to changing theologies of mission through exploring the history and theologies of the Iona Community (1938) and the Council for World Mission (1977). Victoria’s wider research interests include ecumenism, young people, peace-making, ecclesiology and practical/political theology. She has published an edited book with SCM Press and works with bodies such as the World Communion of Reformed Churches, Tearfund, the United Reformed Church, the Student Christian Movement and is a Trustee of Churches Together in England.

Book your place for the webinar. Tickets cost £5 for SfES non-members.

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