Wednesday, July 10 · 7:30 – 9pm
The Mission Research Network of CTE in conjunction with Sarum College, Cliff College, Saltley Trust, Arthur Rank Centre and the South West Ministry Training Course are delighted to invite Steve Aisthorpe share some of his latest research.
Steve is the Director of Kilmalieu, a Christian retreat centre on the Ardgour peninsula on the west coast of Scotland. He was previously a mission development worker for the Church of Scotland and undertook numerous research projects to better understand the changing shape and dynamics of the church in Scotland. Some of that research led to the publication of The Invisible Church: Learning from the Experiences of Churchless Christians (SAP, 2016) and Rewilding the Church (SAP, 2020).
CTE’s Principal Officer for Mission and Evangelism Rev Dr Ben Aldous and Cliff College’s Dr Heather Major will also share their thoughts on which areas need future research in rural contexts.
If you’re considering, starting or are involved in researching mission and ministry in rural contexts, this webinar is for you!
Download and share the event flyer for Researching mission and ministry in rural contexts.