On Monday 28 March CTBI’s Racial Justice Advocacy Forum hosted the Migration, People of Colour and Nationality and Borders Bill webinar in partnership with Churches Together in England, Evangelical Alliance and Joint Public Issues Team.
The panel shared the potential consequences of the Nationality and Borders Bill, what it means for our churches and discussed its adverse impact on those seeking asylum and citizenship of people of colour living in the UK.
This event was chaired by CTE’s Principal Officer for Pentecostal, Charismatic and Multi-cultural Relations, Shermara Fletcher. On the panel:
- Alicia Edmund – Head of Public Policy at the Evangelical Alliance
- Rev Steve Tinning from JPIT (JPIT is the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church working together for peace and justice)
- Rev Wale Hudson-Roberts – RJAF
- Dr Patrick Vernon OBE – Academic and cultural historian
Whilst the panellists highlighted the reality that the bill would be passed, they encouraged the audience not to give up hope and to challenge their MPs around clause 9, which is the most problematic section of the Bill.
Following the Windrush scandal, the panellists each shared what the Bill would mean particularly for people of dual heritage, migrants and refugees if it was passed.
Dr Vernon asked churches to tap into their collective campaigning power to challenge injustice as their public witness.
Rev Wale encouraged the audience with prophetic theology and reminded them that the church must have a creative anger that should propel them to challenge injustice for the purpose of God’s coming kingdom.
Rev Steve urged the audience to write to their MPs about clause 9 and provided a template to help with this.
Read further information from JPIT about the Nationalities and Borders Bill.