Racial Justice Advocacy Forum Launch

An invitation to a service and reception on Wednesday 15 February at Bloomsbury Baptist Church from 7pm.

The Racial Justice and Advocacy Forum (RJAF), which was established following the murder of George Floyd, seeks to be an ecumenical advocate and champion for racial justice in the church and society.

RJAF wants to inspire, encourage and empower Black and Brown Christians, especially the younger ones, in British churches to be changemakers committed to seeing “justice flow like a river and righteousness like a neverending stream” in our society. The RJAF wants to be that prophetic voice which gives churches greater confidence to not only speak about, but also act on issues that are uncomfortable but important to address, in both church and society.

The RJAF formal launch on 15 February 2023 will be an evening laced with music, poetry and diverse creative expressions. The founder of Street Pastors, the Rev Les Isaac will be the keynote speaker. The HEBE Foundation will also be contributing.

Download the evening’s programme.

Book your place at Bloomsbury Baptist Church.

Representatives from Churches Together in England, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, the Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church, Salvation Army, Sam Sharpe Project, Evangelical Alliance, Ascension Trust, Baptists Together, the Quakers and the Movement for Reconciliation and Change are members of RJAF.