If your Safeguarding concern relates to a Member Church, Intermediate Body, Charity and Network in Association, or another organisation, please direct your concern to them. Churches Together in England is not able to assist in these matters.

If you have a Safeguarding concern relating to Churches Together in England (CTE) or any of our events, please contact:

CTE Safeguarding Lead
Ben Cross (Staff Member)
07450 997141
Deputy CTE Safeguarding Lead
Maddy Bird (Trustee)
07813 162347

Alternatively, if neither is available, please contact:

The Police
In an emergency, the Police can be contacted 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
Urgent: 999
Non-Urgent: 101

London Borough of Camden – Adult Social Care
020 7974 4000 and select option 1

Read the CTE Safeguarding Statement.