Racial Justice Sunday (RJS) is a call for all Christians to engage in the righteous struggle for racial justice because racial justice is everyone’s business.
New resources, provided by our colleagues at Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, contain a range of materials that will enable churches and congregations to carry out an act of worship or a service focusing on racial justice. The second part of the resources provides groups and individuals with information, ideas and activities that enable them to continue the conversations that may emanate from RJS.
All churches are encouraged to focus on the 3 Rs of ‘Remembering’, ‘Reflecting’ and ‘Responding’:
- Remembering the importance of racial justice.
- Reflecting on human diversity and thanking God for it.
- Responding by working to end injustice, racism and ignorance through
prayer and action.
CTBI’s Director of Justice and Inclusion, Richard Reddie, says “…the Bible has a lot to say about justice because as God’s Word, it reflects God’s heart for justice. It can be argued that we should love justice because God does! Racism and racial discrimination are justice issues because they deny basic justice and human dignity to women and men who are made in the image of God. Equally, they are sinful because, among other issues, they assume all are not equal before God and are not part of God’s family.”
Download the 2022 resources Racial Justice: What’s it got to do with me? (pdf)
“In the Image and Likeness of God”
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales theme for Racial Justice Sunday 2022 is “In the Image and Likeness of God”. They have put together a series of posters featuring Mary and Jesus from a diverse cross-section of countries and cultures. The aim is to highlight the rich diversity of the Catholic community and to encourage reflection on how we are all made in the image of God.

“In Christ, our differences are not simply erased but rather embraced”
The Church of England has produced liturgical resources for Racial Justice Sunday. They say “Racial Justice Sunday is for all churches to reflect on the importance of racial justice, to give thanks for the gifts and beauty of human diversity, and to commit to end racism and acts of discrimination.”
These resources, and responses to the questions they may raise, are intended to relate to the Church of England’s Pastoral Principles for Living Well Together. These principles were created as part of the Church of England’s Living in Love and Faith project.
Share resources that you have found useful with us and we’ll add them to this page.
Churches Together in Cornwall Racial Justice Sunday toolkit for 2021.