Racial Justice Sunday 2023 – Sunday 12 February

This year's event marks the 30th anniversary of the death of Stephen Lawrence.

This anniversary is a key moment for church and society on these islands. Stephen Lawrence’s killing was very much Britain’s ‘George Floyd moment’ as it clearly revealed the ugly face of British racism, in terms not only of the hatred of those who took this young man’s life, but also of the institutional variety that characterised the appalling investigation into his killing. It is a moment for reflection which will enable us to assess what, if any, progress has been made since that tragedy.

“The most profound social justice issues of our time demand a collective response. We must come together in coalition with brothers and sisters from across the Christian community and beyond, to ensure that the church itself is reflective of the society we hope to build for future generations, working together to end racism and discrimination in all its forms.” Baroness Doreen Lawrence.

Racial Justice Sunday resources are produced by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland’s sponsoring churches. These materials will enable you to Remember, Reflect and Respond to racial justice-related matters:

Remember the importance of racial justice;

Reflect on human diversity and thank God for it;

Respond by working to end injustice, racism and ignorance through prayer and action.

Download the Racial Justice Sunday 2023 resources from CTBI.

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales is marking Racial Justice Sunday on 5 February. The theme is “All are included in the mission of Christ and His Church. Let us walk together, pray together and work together

Download the CBCEW resources for Racial Justice Sunday 2023.