Peter was CTE’s Treasurer from 2003-2018. An accountant with wide experience of the charitable sector, we came to rely on his skill and wisdom. He gave of both with gentleness and generosity, and became a friend to many in the ecumenical world.
We learnt that he died on 26th March 2018 at St John’s Hospice Moggerhanger, at peace, and surrounded by his family after a short illness.
A faithful and committed Salvationist, Peter lent his support to many charities which sought to advance the kingdom of Christ. He will be sorely missed.
Our prayers and thoughts are with Sue and his family.
May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
A celebration of Peter’s life will be held at 2.30pm on Thursday 3 May at The Salvation Army Bedford Congress Hall, Commercial Road, MK40 1NY for anyone that wishes to attend.
Donations received will be shared between a school in Zimbabwe, in which Peter was actively involved, and the SA Emergency Response Units which are involved in emergency situations such as Grenfell Tower. Anyone wishing to donate should make a cheque payable to ‘The Salvation Army’ and can either post to Lorraine Shannon at the CTE office or give directly on the day.
Peter was known for his colourful ties, as shown in the image below!