Peace must prevail in Middle East say CTE Presidents

Adding their voices to calls from Jewish and Muslim colleagues for an end to religious hatred and conflict.

Press statement, 28 May 2021

CTE Presidents have added their voices to the calls for dialogue and an end to conflict in the Holy Land.

As leaders and representatives of Christian churches across the nation, they have echoed the Jewish Leadership Council and Muslims Against Anti-Semitism statement encouraging end to religious hatred.

Full page adverts appeared in British newspapers with the striking headline “Jews and Muslims. We’re on the same page.” 

The advert said “We accept there’s much to disagree about, whatever side of the argument we sit. Let us disagree without hatred. Let us negotiate in good faith in search of a just solution.

“We abhor Antisemitism. Equally, we condemn anti-Muslim hatred. There is always room for debate. There is never space for hate.”

CTE Presidents’ statement

As Christian leaders we give full support to the proclamation ‘On the Same Page’ published on Wednesday by Jewish and Muslim colleagues. Yes, there is much we disagree about, much to be ‘negotiated in good faith’, but we agree that there is ‘never space for hatred’. There is no place for hatred of Jew, Christian or Muslim, nor by Jew, Christian or Muslim. Hatred will destroy us all. Dialogue and peace must prevail. Shalom, Salaam, Peace.

Archbishop Justin Welby (Church of England)
Cardinal Archbishop Vincent Nichols (Catholic Bishops’ Conference)
Rev Dr Hugh Osgood (Free Churches Group)
Pastor Agu Irukwu (CTE Pentecostal and Charismatic Forum) 
Archbishop Angaelos (Coptic Orthodox Diocese of London) 
Hannah Brock Womack (on behalf of CTE Fourth Presidency Group)
Rev Dr Paul Goodliff (General Secretary, Churches Together in England)

Further information:

  • Churches Together in England (CTE) is the national ecumenical instrument supporting and encouraging churches from a wide range of traditions to work together in unity. Nationally, CTE brings together 51 Member Churches from many diverse traditions. In fact, we unite the broadest range of churches in the whole of Europe. CTE’s strapline is: One in Christ Jesus, engaged in God’s mission, empowered by the Spirit. Read more about CTE at  
  • Churches Together in England is represented by Presidents from the major traditions of our Member Churches. There are usually six presidents, but the fourth presidency is currently not enacted. This follows a request by CTE’s Enabling Group in November 2019, reflecting the lack of agreement within the churches in England regarding aspects of theological and moral discernment, and the reality that this dimension of the churches’ pilgrimage together is not yet complete.