County Ecumenical Officer for Churches Together in Norfolk and Waveney Dr Ian Watson reports…
For the first time in many years, the leaders from Churches Together in Norfolk and Waveney (NWCT) went on a 5-day ecumenical pilgrimage to Rome, from 13 to 17 January. The purpose of the trip was to develop and strengthen relationships, as well as enhance their understanding and appreciation of the different traditions that comprise NWCT.
As County Ecumenical Officer, I was fortunate to accompany them on their pilgrim journey. It was a joy and blessing to see them come together in genuine fellowship, prayer and worship. I was greatly encouraged by their collective commitment to Christian unity which, unquestionably, was reaffirmed during the week. I’m confident that the renewed sense of togetherness and love that grew during the week, will, in the future, prove to be a great encouragement for all Christians across our great county.
Our group was hosted by the Venerable English College throughout their stay, and the highlights of the visit included:
- Visits to the Doria Pamphili Art Gallery, the Anglican Centre in Rome, The Dicastery for the Promotion of Christian Unity, the Pontifical Beda College, and the Dicastery for Integral Human Development.
- Guided Tours around the Venerable English College, the Basilica of St Peter’s, and St Paul’s Outside the Walls.
- Attendance at the weekly General Audience with Pope Francis. The group were received by the Pope and greeted him in person at the end of the audience.

The Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Rev Graham Usher, said: “I find that any pilgrimage changes me, not just in its new experiences and visits, but in the conversations and prayer along the way. I learnt much from my ecumenical companions, for which I am very grateful, whilst also fostering links with the Vatican around our shared approach to the imperative of caring for God’s creation.”
The Roman Catholic Bishop of East Anglia, the Rt Rev Peter Collins said the group celebrated their shared faith, just ahead of the international week of prayer for Christian unity. “Our encounter with Pope Francis was a particular highlight,” said Bishop Peter. “We were privileged to hold meetings at the Dicastery (Department) for Promoting Christian Unity and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. We were all profoundly enriched by our shared experience in Rome and I am confident that its fruit will further enhance our desire to work more collaboratively in the future across Norfolk and Waveney.”
Rev Lythan Nevard, moderator for the Eastern Synod of the United Reformed Church, said: “This week has been a time of deepening relationships between senior church leaders and expanding my understanding of the joys of Catholic worship, Anglican communion, and a Quaker meeting. Being in Rome we have been immersed in the history of the church, which I pray will enable us to work creatively together as the church of the future in Norfolk and Waveney.”
Rev David Mayne, regional minister team leader for the Eastern Baptist Association, said: “It has been a true joy to share these days in beautiful Rome with ecumenical colleagues from Norfolk and Waveney. I have learnt a tremendous amount, and I have been thoroughly blessed by the hospitality and spirituality of our hosts. It is a time I will treasure for many years, and I’m sure it will be formative for my ministry supporting and encouraging our churches.”
Liz Hoffbauer, of the Society of Friends, or Quakers, said: “The church leaders have spent a very busy five days, full of interesting visits and experiences. However, the most important aspect of the pilgrimage has been the opportunity to get to know one another much better. No matter what our differences of faith are, there is more that binds us together than keeps us apart.”
For me, the ecumenical pilgrimage was amazing, spiritually uplifting, and an unforgettable experience. It reinforced, for me, the importance of Christian unity or ‘oneness’ in a divided and fractured world.
A version of this article first appeared on the Churches Together in Norfolk and Waveney website.
The main photo is courtesy of the Diocese of Norwich. The other picture is courtesy of Dr Ian Watson.