News & Stories
Access the latest news, reflections and stories from Churches Together in England
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Season of Creation: ideas and resources
Ideas for you and your church to respond to the climate emergency and raise awareness amongst your congregation and community.
New Presidents for CTE
Bishop Tedroy Powell and Archbishop Nikitas will succeed Pastor Agu Irukwu and Archbishop Angaelos.
Christian Aid announces new Chair of Trustees
The Rt Rev and Rt Hon Dr John Sentamu, former Archbishop of York, will start his role after the organisation's AGM in October.
Transforming discipleship in Telford
Ecumenical Mission Enabler for Telford & Shropshire, Rev Chris Densham, shares the story of #DoYouKnowHimTelford?...
After lockdown: updated guidance for churches (July 2021)
As all legal coronavirus restrictions are lifted, the Government and many of our Member Churches issue new advice.
Church leaders condemn racism towards England footballers
Joining with leading Christian sports organisations they call for the combatting and dismantling of racism in all forms.
CTE supports BIAPT Mission Studies Day on Mission, Race and Colonialism
Dynamic women pivotal in ecumenical church plant
The story of the growth of the single congregation Local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP) in Great Notley in Essex.
Churches pay tribute to Rev Dr Joel Edwards
The ecumenical community shares the sadness of so many at the death of Rev Dr Joel Edwards CBE, who passed away on 30 June 2021, aged 70.
Apocalyptic times call for closer cooperation
CTE's Principal Officer for Mission and Evangelism, Rev Dr Ben Aldous, recently hosted a 'Fresh Expressions taster day' for our Member Churches. He looks back on the event for our Reflection of the Month for July 2021...
Education Sunday 2021: A word in season
Education Sunday 2021 will take place on Sunday 12 September. Access resources for this national day of prayer and celebration for everyone in the world of education.
Young Christians’ relay to COP26
A group of young Christians from several of our National Member Churches are walking in relay from Cornwall to Glasgow. Hear directly from one of the young walkers talking part...
Share your unity story
We'd love to hear your story of churches working together in unity.
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