*** Note this is the Summit rearranged from 21 June ***
Just a few miles up the road from where I live there are plans afoot for a swathe of new housing developments. It’s a pattern being played out across England from small developments of 20-30 new homes to huge new garden cities like Ebbsfleet with 20,000 houses planned. By and large the church has not done sustained and serious thinking about how to reach these communities with the good news of Jesus.
Do you live near a place with plans for new housing? Are you part of a group of churches thinking ecumenically about how to respond to a new development? Do you need inspiration, practical ideas and some theological vision for your involvement? Do you work in a diocese, circuit or synod with responsibility for mission and evangelism? Join me, members of the New Housing Hub and Methodist, Baptist, Salvation Army representatives on 4 October 2022 at Regents Hall in Oxford Street Central London from 9.30am-4.30pm to be inspired and challenged.
Bishop Guli Francis Dehqani from Chelmsford and part of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Housing Commission will be a keynote speaker alongside Rev Dr Michael Moynagh the leading theologian for the Fresh Expressions movement.
Tickets are heavily discounted by partner denominations, CTE and the New Housing Hub and cost just £10 per person. They are available to book via Eventbrite and include lunch and refreshments.