New unity movements

Church unity in England is rich and complex, and we rejoice as we see other organisations working for the unity of the church.

We at CTE recognise the growth of new unity movements across the UK in the past decade. We delight in churches working together and want to support these movements in any way we can. The work of unity is complex, ongoing and impossible for one organisation to take full responsibility for.

New unity movements have helped put a missional impetus back into the ecumenical landscape, making doing mission together the guiding principle and focusing on relationships between church leaders at the local, regional and national level.

We are pleased to have good relationships with those from HOPE and Evangelical Alliance, and a growing commitment to working with GATHERTogether for the Common Good and HeartEdge

On our local mission page you can read some great examples of churches coming together in mission locally; in Cornwall, North Yorkshire, Herefordshire, Devon and Staffordshire.

Together for the Common Good

Together for the Common Good is a small charity helping people play their part to strengthen the bonds of social trust. They believe in the sacred nature of our common humanity and that society’s wellbeing depends on rebuilding social solidarity. They are reimagining a culture that puts people, communities and relationships first.  Together for the Common Good are one of CTE’s Bodies in Association (organisations and networks drawing Christians of different church traditions together around common causes). Find out more on the Together for the Common Good website. 


HeartEdge is a global ecumenical movement bringing churches together through four main focuses: Congregation, Compassion, Culture and Commerce. As an ecumenical network, HeartEdge brings together people to share ideas and experiences, to do theology and to develop their church and community. Visit the HeartEdge website for more information.