Lived Mission in 21st Century Britain: Postcolonial and Ecumenical Perspectives study day

Book tickets for event on Wednesday 9 April, 10 am to 4pm at Luther King House, Manchester.

Join authors and editors (led by Rev Dr Ben Aldous) for a study day looking at some of the key chapters in the new book Lived Mission in 21st Century Britain and be involved in stimulating discussions about what a new missiology in Britain may look like. Speakers include Graham Adams (URC), Heather Major (Cliff College and IRCA), Raj Patta (Methodist) and Shermara Fletcher-Hoyte (CTE and CoGoP) reflecting on Children and mission, mission in fragile rural contexts and mission and an ethic of love.

The event takes place on Wednesday 9 April, 10 am to 4pm at Luther King Cente Educational Trust, Luther King House, Brighton Grove, Manchester, M14 5JP

The cost is £58.00 includes a hot lunch and refreshments through the day. There are discounted tickets of £43.50 (25% discount) for students, emerging scholars and unwaged.

Book your study day ticket.

Book a ticket as a student/emerging scholar.

Read a review of Lived Mission in 21st Century Britain: Postcolonial and Ecumenical Perspectives by Rev Dr Susan Durber.