Lambeth Cross for Ecumenism presented to West Midlands unity enabler

Robert Mountford, who is both the Ecumenical Mission Officer for Staffordshire and the Potteries and Ecumenical Development Enabler for Birmingham Churches Together, was recognised for services to Christian unity.

Robert Mountford has been awarded the Lambeth Cross for Ecumenism for his outstanding contribution to the revitalisation of ecumenical relations in Birmingham, the Black Country and Staffordshire.

The Lambeth Cross for Ecumenism was originally created in 1940. It is awarded “to those who have made an outstanding contribution to ecumenical work in support of the Church of England or to those who have made exceptional contributions to relations between the faiths.”*

An extract from the citation

“It is very hard to mention a Christian leader or congregation in the West Midlands whom Robert Mountford does not know well. His encyclopaedic knowledge, boundless energy and gift for networking, make him a highly effective County Ecumenical Mission Officer… He has coordinated the Thy Kingdom Come initiative, led ecumenical pilgrimages and brought senior church leaders in the West Midlands together in annual post-Covid summits. An expert in the area of Pentecostal Christianity, he is adept in drawing the newer streams of Christian churches into a fruitful relationship with the ‘historical denominations’ whilst also fostering good relationships with the growing number of Orthodox churches in the region…

“Because of his warmth, integrity, and commitment, he has the confidence of leaders across the ecclesiastical spectrum in a way no one else in the region can quite command and this has led to real, positive change.”

On receiving the award Robert Mountford said: “I am humbled and honoured to receive the Lambeth Cross for Ecumenism. I count it an enormous privilege to be able to ‘join the dots’ between Christian leaders, local congregations and Churches across the West Midlands. In the year in which the worldwide Church marks the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, which gave us the still-used and much-loved credal statement concerning the nature of Christ, we are reminded of our essential unity in Christ, which is far more important than the things which keep us apart.”

Left to right: Rev Rachel Parkinson (Chair, Wolverhampton/Shrewsbury Methodist District), Rev Steve Faber (Moderator, West Midlands District, United Reformed Church), Ann Fisher (Non-Executive Member of Chapter, Lichfield Cathedral), Rev Steve Hollinghurst (Mission Enabler, Diocese of Hereford), Right Rev Anne Hollinghurst (Principal, Queen’s Foundation), Robert Mountford, Rev Adrian Argile (Regional Minister Team Leader, Heart of England Baptist Association), Right Rev Matthew Parker (Bishop of Stafford, Diocese of Lichfield), Rev Dave Ellis (Regional Minister, Heart of England Baptist Association), Rev Novette Headley (Chair, Birmingham Methodist District)

Reaction from local church leaders

“Robert’s wise insights, creative energy and capacity for building fellowship has brought our Churches closer together and enabled us to reach out side by side in witness and service.” The Most Revd Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham

“Robert has a gentle grace and seemingly effortless way of connecting us together from across the whole spectrum of the Church, and I can’t think of another person more deserving of this award for his whole-hearted commitment to building Christ’s Church in the unity of the Spirit.  Ecumenism in the region is so much richer because of Robert’s unstinting work.” Rev Steve Faber, Moderator of the West Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church

“It is because of Robert’s tireless networking and connecting with our various denominations that relationships have been formed, and understanding has grown.  His work has especially helped new church leaders to get to know each other, and has provided space for us to pray for one another in our ministries across the region.”  Revd Novette Headley, Chair of the Birmingham Methodist District

* Archbishop’s Awards and Examinations | The Archbishop of Canterbury

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Photo of Robert Mountford credit: Phil Barnes/Lichfield Cathedral Photographers