Housing Justice launches Citadel England homelessness prevention programme

Five centres across the country will be added to the successful programme which began in Wales in 2020.

In response to the rising number of people being forced into homelessness and rough sleeping across England, Christian homelessness charity, Housing Justice, is launching Citadel, an innovative homelessness prevention programme, in Bristol, Cornwall, London, Sheffield and Hastings.

The charity has been running Citadel across Wales since 2020 and has achieved excellent outcomes through matching people who have experienced, or are at risk of, homelessness, with dedicated local volunteers. 

Support from Citadel volunteers takes many forms – it could be support with finding and sustaining a tenancy, decorating and furnishing a home, managing bills and budgeting, joining a social club or community group, attending appointments, or just having a cup of coffee and a chat – it all depends on the individual.

The project in Wales has garnered much praise for its innovative and person-centred approach to this complicated issue, with figures showing that 90% of those referred to Citadel for support remained engaged in the project and 95% sustained their tenancies for at least 12 months after referral. Following Citadel’s success in Wales, Housing Justice is launching Citadel in South-East London, Bristol, Cornwall, Sheffield and Hastings this summer, with recruitment currently underway for the staff who will train and manage teams of volunteers. 

The expansion of Citadel is part of a three-year programme run by the Centre for Homelessness Impact and funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. This is supporting the introduction or extension of innovative responses to homelessness, and includes an independent evaluation of its impact, using a randomised controlled trial.  

George Butler, Head of Citadel England is delighted about Citadel’s expansion: “Homelessness is much more than just the absence of a home. People who experience homelessness also experience multiple forms of exclusion. Citadel seeks to redress the balance, bringing the community together to support people not just to have a roof over their head, but to have a place to belong and to thrive.

“We will shortly be finalising our staff teams and will then be looking for volunteers to join us. We would love to hear from churches from across the traditions or local Churches Together groups “

To register your interest in volunteering with Citadel in Bristol, Cornwall, London, Sheffield or Hastings, please email [email protected].

Learn more about Citadel England.

Housing Justice is a Charity and Network in Association with Churches Together in England.