The CTE Forum 2022 organising panel has chosen Jacky Yomi as the winner of their competition to design the logo for next year’s event.
Jacky (pictured here) is a self-taught artist and will shortly finish his master’s degree in Architecture at the University of Westminster.
The Churches Together in England Forum is the broadest representative ecumenical gathering of Christians in England. Taking place every three to four years, it and brings together over three hundred representatives of CTE’s Member Churches, Intermediate Bodies, Co-ordinating Groups and Bodies in Association.
Jacky says that his “design was inspired by the Lord’s supper – the round communion wafer symbolising Jesus’ body which was broken for a broken world”.
Versions of the logo:

Jacky lives in London and worships at the NTA (New Testament Assembly) Church in Tooting. He says “God has been my faithful Father and companion throughout a long journey through different nations, and He means everything to me.”
“My wife and I are both passionate about the unity of the body of Christ. Beauty and strength emerge from our unity in our differences. When churches are working in unity, they are indeed playing and singing a beautiful song that brings healing and change in the community.”