Rebuilding relationships despite dissonance and difference

The author of this month's reflection has asked to remain anonymous.

See – Judge – Act as Christians Together

Fr Dominic Robinson, SJ, Vice Chair of the Society for Ecumenical Studies shares his Reflection of the Month for July.

Revealing unity

Outgoing CTE President and General Secretary of the Council of Lutheran Churches in Great Britain, Dr Anna Krauss, shares her Reflection of the Month for June.


Salvation Army officer Major Paul Hilditch, member of the Society for Ecumenical Studies, shares his Reflection of the Month for May.

Christ, the Morning Star

Greek-Catholic Melkite Priest Fr Robert Gibbons, member of the Society for Ecumenical Studies, shares his Reflection of the Month for April.

He died that we may live

Dr Racheal Adebayo a Member of the Society for Ecumenical Studies shares her Reflection of the Month for March.

Ecumenism gives light to mission

Rev Dr Callan Slipper, Chair of the Society for Ecumenical Studies shares his Reflection of the Month for February.

Opening the doors of our hearts

Archbishop Nikitas, CTE's Orthodox President and the President of the Conference of European Churches, reflects on the role of ecumenism across the continent.

Looking ahead to 2024

CTE General Secretary Bishop Mike Royal shares what's on his mind at the start of this year.

Christian unity: choice or certainty?

Rev Dr Alison Evans, Secretary of the Society for Ecumenical Studies shares her Reflection of the Month for January.

EWARC – The End of a Quinquennium

CTE's Doral Hayes shares her thoughts on the last five years of this ecumenical dialogue.

Two sorts of knowledge

Andy Pettman, an elder in the monastic, ecumenical brotherhood called the Servants of the Word, shares his Reflection of the Month for November.

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