The truth isn’t enough

Vice Chair of the CTE Trustees Rev Dr Lurliene Miller shares her Reflection of the Month for September 2023.

That they all may be one

CTE President for the Fourth Presidency Group, Dr Anna Krauss, shares her Reflection of the Month for June 2023.

Come Holy Spirit

The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Advisor for Evangelism & Witness, Rev Canon Chris Russell, reflects on the origins of the ecumenical prayer movement, Thy Kingdom Come.

Strangers at the cross – an Easter reflection

CTE General Secretary Bishop Mike Royal shares an Easter reflection reminding us that Jesus came to save everyone - no matter their status, position or behaviour.

In hope against hope, if we truly believe in the victory of the Risen Christ

Rt Rev Kenneth Nowakowski Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family of London, shares our reflection of the month for March 2023.

Is justice being done?

The Administrative Bishop for the New Testament Church of God, Claion Grandison, challenges us to speak for those who have no voice

Abiding in God

CTE President and Moderator of the Free Churches Group, Rev Canon Helen Cameron, shares our reflection of the month for January 2023.

The role of the church and ecumenism in responding to global injustice: reflections from South Africa

A report and reflection by CTE’s Shermara Fletcher, including recommendations for ecumenism in England.

How can we have hope for a fairer, greener future?

The Executive Director of the Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility (ECCR), Sarah Edwards, shares our reflection of the month for November 2022.

Mission in bricks and mortar

The lead Bishop for Housing in the Church of England, Rt Rev Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani, shares our reflection of the month for October 2022.

A kaleidoscope of humanity

CTE's Principal Officer for Mission and Evangelism, Rev Dr Ben Aldous shares his reflection on the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Karlsruhe.

Pause for Thought on BBC Radio 2

General Secretary Bishop Mike Royal offers his reflection at the start of the Commonwealth Games 2022 in Birmingham.

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