Next CTE General Secretary appointed

We are delighted to announce that Bishop Mike Royal will be joining Churches Together in England

New CTE Presidents sign the Presidents’ Covenant as they take up office

Bishop Tedroy Powell and Archbishop Nikitas take up office as CTE Presidents.

Peace must prevail in Middle East say CTE Presidents

Adding their voices to calls from Jewish and Muslim colleagues for an end to religious hatred and conflict.

Dynamic millennial Pentecostal leader appointed to CTE team

Shermara Fletcher will join the CTE team in March 2021.

CTE’s Pentecostal President calls for prayer for Nigeria

Pastor Agu Irukwu invites the Member Churches of CTE to pray for Nigeria.

CTE’s Orthodox President calls for prayer for Armenian Orthodox Church

Archbishop Angaelos invites the Member Churches of CTE to pray

CTE Presidents call all churches to address racial injustice in church life and wider society

Presidents of Churches Together in England, named below, with the support of the Fourth Presidency Group, have issued a statement calling on churches to travel together on the journey of racial justice.

CTE Presidents’ Statement on the Hagia Sophia

Presidents of Churches Together in England are saddened at the decision of the Turkish Government to change the status of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.

Presidents of CTE to listen carefully to black voices

Presidents of Churches Together in England (CTE) are listening carefully to black voices, including young people, black leaders in the churches and those who have worked to combat racism over many years.

Holy Week Statement from British and Irish Church Leaders

British and Irish Church leaders issue a Holy Week statement and are united in response to Covid-19 pandemic.

Light a Candle of Hope: A National Call to Prayer

In the light of the Coronavirus pandemic, Presidents of CTE are calling all churches to a National Day of Prayer and Action on 22nd March.

Churches Together in England Statement on the Fourth Presidency

CTE's statement of 22 Nov 2019 regarding the Fourth Presidency.

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