Peace is Every Step

Join this multi-faith walking silent prayer and vigil for peace on Sunday 21 January in London from 12 noon.

Christian unity: choice or certainty?

Rev Dr Alison Evans, Secretary of the Society for Ecumenical Studies shares her Reflection of the Month for January.

MA Mission Prize 2024 launched

It will be awarded for the best thesis around the themes of mission, evangelism and church planting in the UK context.

Becoming Better Together: Ecumenical Progress in Cornwall

It's ten years since churches in the county signed a Declaration of Intent to work together more closely.

Act on Poverty in 2024

Senior leaders from churches and charities have called on politicians to take urgent action on rising poverty in the UK and around the world

Housing Justice announces the launch of the London Rough Sleeping Charter

The charity has also introduced the Refugee Lodgings Programme as another part of their work to combat homelessness.

Single Friendly Church Network launches

Formerly known as Single Friendly Church, the Network has become a charity with the aim of putting single people back on the agenda for churches.

The Bereavement Journey course

Christian charity AtaLoss is training churches across the denominations to offer support to their communities.

Evangelism and Ecumenism: Conflict or Complementarity?

A Society for Ecumenical Studies webinar on Wednesday 24 January 2024 at 7.30pm

“Be bold as we Shine our Lights” on 16 & 17 December

CTE General Secretary Bishop Mike Royal encourages Christians to reach out across communities this Christmas.

Merseyside church leaders make COP 28 appeal to Prime Minister

They ask for government support for local and regional initiatives as well as for poorer and more vulnerable communities worldwide.

Christmas Prayer 2023

Written and recorded on video by CTE Principal Officer for Mission and Evangelism Rev Dr Ben Aldous.

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