Bill Snelson – may he rest in peace and rise in glory

In tribute to Bill Snelson, General Secretary of Churches Together in England from 1997 to 2008.

Praying in the new year: a televised week of prayer 

CTE Presidents the Archbishop of Canterbury and Pastor Agu Irukwu are uniting with other Christian leaders for a week of prayer to see in 2021.

Abiding in Christ: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021

The theme of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) for 2021 is 'Abiding in Christ'.

New County Ecumenical Officer for Somerset is announced

Churches Together in Somerset has announced the appointment of Revd Canon Jonathan LLoyd, taking up his role after Easter 2021.

An Advent prayer from CTE, 2020

Written by our General Secretary, Rev Dr Paul Goodliff.

Learning To Be Missionary Disciples Conference (Nov 2020)

CTE's Principal Officer for Mission and Evangelism reflects on the conference.

Church and Social Cohesion: Connecting Communities and Serving People

The report by the Free Churches Group and Theos Think Tank was launched on Thursday 26 November 2020.

Action by Christians Against Torture – an introduction

Find out more about Action by Christians Against Torture (ACAT), one of CTE's Bodies in Association.

Challenges to Pentecostal Theology in the 21st Century – A Review

CTE's Principal Officer for Evangelism & Mission reviews 'Challenges to Pentecostal Theology in the 21st Century'

Dynamic millennial Pentecostal leader appointed to CTE team

Shermara Fletcher will join the CTE team in March 2021.

Public Worship to re-open from 2 December

New regulations come into force on Wednesday 2 December 2020.

Launch of new website on serious youth violence

The Synergy Network is launching a new website on 1 December 2020, drawing together Christian activities combatting serious youth violence.

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