Churches Together in England is represented by Presidents from the major traditions of our national Member Churches. A list of our former Presidents, and the years they served, is available below.
Read more about CTE’s current Presidents on our main CTE Presidents page.
Former Presidents of Churches Together in England
1990-1991 Most Rev and Rt Hon Robert Runcie
1990-1999 H.E. Cardinal Basil Hume
1990-1995 Rev John Newton
1990-1992 Rev Desmond Pemberton
1991-2002 Most Rev and Rt Hon George Carey
1993-1998 Rt Rev Bishop Basil of Sergievo
1995-1999 Rev Kathleen Richardson O.B.E.
1998-2001 Rowena Loverance
1999-2003 Rev Anthony Burnham
1999-2010 H.E. Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor
2002-2005 Rev Esme Beswick M.B.E.
2002-2012 Most Rev and Rt Hon Rowan Williams
2003-2007 Rev David Coffey
2006-2009 H.G. Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian
2007-2011 Com Elizabeth Matear
2011-2014 Rt Rev Jana Jeruma-Grinberga
2011-2014 Rev Michael Heaney
2012-2017 H.E. Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira & GB
2013-2017 Bishop Eric Brown
2014-2018 Mr Billy Kennedy
2017-2021 H.G. Archbishop Angaelos
2017-2021 Pastor Agu Irukwu
2014-2022 Rev Dr Hugh Osgood
2023-2024 Dr Anna Krauss
2012-2025 Most Rev and Rt Hon Justin Welby